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As amazing as the weekend was musically, it was a bit frustrating to find our photos all fuzzy.
Can't explain it other than a "rookie move" on part of my photography.......Be sure to check
for Berny's
superior photos at the bottom of the page.

crowd at the Belle & Sebastian performancecrowd at the Belle & Sebastian performanceElbowElbowBelle & SebastianBelle & SebastianBelle & SebastianBelle & SebastianBelle & SebastianBelle & SebastianBelle & SebastianBerny before Belle & SebastianBelle & SebastianBelle & SebastianBerny & Charles at the end of a very long weekend.....The StrokesThe StrokesThe StrokesThe Strokes

Berny's shots

The crowd at Coachella, 2002Elbow at Coachalla, 2002The Strokes at Coachella, 2002The Strokes at Coachella, 2002Noel Gallagher battling wits with the English press, Coachella 2002Belle & Sebastain at Coachella, 2002
Belle & Sebastain at Coachella, 2002Belle & Sebastain at Coachella, 2002Belle & Sebastain at Coachella, 2002Belle & Sebastain at Coachella, 2002Belle & Sebastain at Coachella, 2002Belle & Sebastain at Coachella, 2002Belle & Sebastain at Coachella, 2002
Belle & Sebastain at Coachella, 2002Belle & Sebastain at Coachella, 2002Belle & Sebastain at Coachella, 2002Belle & Sebastain at Coachella, 2002Belle & Sebastain at Coachella, 2002Belle & Sebastain at Coachella, 2002Belle & Sebastain at Coachella, 2002Charles and Berny at the end of day 2, Coachella 2002