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best of 2002    best of 2003    best of 2004

The Indie Shop '
Best Of 2002'

The top 10 albums of the year

 1 - ballboy - Club Anthems
 2 - The Delgados - Hate
 3 - The Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Master ep
 4 - Electric Soft Parade - Holes In The Wall
 5 - Doves - The Last Broadcast
 6 - Super Furry Animals - Rings Around The World 
 7 - Cinerama - Torino 
 8 - The Flaming Lips - Yoshimi Versus The Pink Robots
 9 - The Vespertines - Untitled ep 
10 - Lorien - Human Beings

The #11's.....those that didn't quite make it but were also favorites

Belle & Sebastian - Storytelling
Coldplay - A Rush Of Blood To The Head
Gene - Libertine
Saybia - The Second You Sleep
Elbow - Asleep In The Back
My Favorite - The Kids Are All Wrong ep
The Walkmen - Everyone Who Pretended To Be Like Me Is Dead
various - NME's 1 Love, Warchild
Death In Vegas - Scorpio Rising
Clinic - Walking With Thee
The Shins - Oh Inverted World
Ed Harcourt - Here Be Monsters
Idlewild - The Remote Part
Badly Drawn Boy - Have You Fed The Fish?
The Mooney Suzuki - Electric Sweat
Ben Kweller - Sha Sha
Mull Historical Society - Loss
Supergrass - Life On Other Planets
Imperial Teen - On
The All Girl Summer Fun Band - All Girl Summer Fun Band
Midnight Oil - Capricornia

Some of our favorite songs

ballboy - All The Records On The Radio Are Shite - single
The Alps - Each Thing Kills (The Man Who Loves It) - No Ones Pretty ep
Doves - Here Comes The Fear - The Last Broadcast
Idlewild - You Held The World In Your Arms - The Remote Part

Idlewild - English Grammer - The Remote Part
The Delgados - Coming In From The Cold - Hate
Suede - Untitled/Morning - A New Morning
Death In Vegas - Hands Around My Throat - Scorpio Rising
Gene - Spy In The Clubs - Libertine
The Manic Street Preachers - Out Of Time - 1 Love, Warchild
Belle & Sebastian - Big John Shaft - Storytelling
Ladytron - Blue Jeans - Light & Magic
Morrissey - Irish Blood, English Heart (live)
Coldplay - Green Eyes - A Rush Of Blood To The Head
The Arrogants - Nobody's Cool - Nobody's Cool
The Flaming Lips - Do You Realize - Yoshimi Versus The Pink Robots
Telepopmusik - Love Can Damage Your Health - Genetic World
Oasis - Songbird - Heathen Chemistry

Biggest Dissapointments

Loss of : Audiogalaxy

It was bound to happen. With the entertainment industry’s extra vigilant approach to
“digital piracy” every sharing application is a prime target. There’s no need to hark on
whats already been discussed in better forums. What we will say is that Audiogalaxy
did offer services beyond “file sharing”. There was the “similar bands” link that not only
helped us discover the wonderful Ballboy, but allowed us to hear them at that moment.
Discovery and exploration are never bad things, and for those that were able to enjoy the
service before this years termination, it was a joy indeed.

Internet fees bill passes congress
       Has there been a clearer indication that big business has it's tenticles firmly gripping the
            cahones of congress? This bill does nothing but defeat the very ideas that the Indie Shop
            stands for, the ability to play what you want when you want. The chance to broadcast
            music based not on Arbitron ratings or the whims of advertisers, but on good taste and a
            sense of adventure. Not only has big business cornered the numerous "they were once great"
            radio stations that abound, they've now found the means to dictate all the indie, college,
            fly-by-night and adventurous souls that took the least bit trouble to make a difference.  

Botched Interviews

What can we say beyond apologies. Several good attempts were made through the year,
yet for one reason or another they all fizzled. Add to that the small broadcast studio in our
new home and you can see where we’ve been a bit quiet on this front. So apologies to all
those who submitted their thoughts and questions for bands. We should also thank those
who represented various bands for making such a great effort, regardless of the results.
Better luck next time around!

Berny & Noel at Coachella J - And on a sideline……One of our few chances to speak to
bands this year was at Coachella. Stuart Murdoch was more than generous, agreeing to do a
show I.D. for us. Shortly after Noel Gallagher appeared, someone from the press in tow with a
small tape recorder. We waited patiently, hoping to sneak in a few thoughts and perhaps a photo.
While I did try my best, we were unable to gain any access to the superstar who was quickly
escorted back to his trailer by his tour manager. Perhaps next time I’ll be obnoxious and demanding!

Orange County indie crowds indifference to the best club to come their way in years.

            Thanks to Berny for adding this to our list. Last year a listener contacted me about hosting a
            Brit-Pop & Indie club in Orange County. It seemed like a great idea at the time, for the area
            can ably support one. Sadly, seems the crowd we were shooting (poor choice of words?)
            for is also fickle, choosing to drive to Hollywood instead of supporting their local scene.
            And we wonder why there only seem to be power-pop/punk bands in the area?!?!?! 

The “move”

Alas, all good things come to an end. The beginning of the year saw the staff at our former home,
K-BEACH Radio, decide to charge all “non-student employees” an hourly charge to use the
studio and host a radio show. While we fully understood the station’s need to earn income, doing
so at the expense of both talented [not speaking of ourselves, of course;)] and dedicated radio
personalities seemed foolhardy. So, rather than allowing extortion to remove us of over $600
per year, we decided to move on. Although we left a station that we had helped to build from
the ground up, we also moved on from a very uncooperative and radio-clueless staff to one at
WPMD that has been generous, kind, and extremely available. KBEACH’s loss!

Cd : JJ72 – I To Sky

Oh my beautiful band, where have you gone. Where is the angst, the emotion? With their debut they
were seen as a Joy Division for the new millennium. The music and vocals combined for both an
ethereal and sonic adventure. This was especially try live, where the band came alive, especially
Mark Greaney, seemingly lost within the music. Their second time around the band are slicker,
packaged. Much of the energy they exhibited live is gone in favor of a slick “single ready” sound.
As a whole, the band still exhibit their brilliance, especially with the first single “Formulae” &
“I Saw A Prayer”

Cd : Pulp – We Love Life

Has Jarvis lost it? Could it be a cleaner lifestyle, removed from nefarious substances and excess?
Perhaps it’s married life. There are still signs of Jarvis’ brilliance here, he also seems to have lost his
gift for observation and story telling. The lyrics in particular seem to be less detailed. Jarvis’ strength
was in story telling, sarcasm, and a keen eye for detail. For now it seems he’s lost that to simplicity
and mood. In this case, the music’s mood couldn’t pick up the slack.

Cd : Haven – Between The Senses

What happened? After a glorious first single in “Let It Live” they followed up with a very pale full
length. Granted, there are songs of note, but nothing that approached the life and promise of the debut.

Cd : Suede – A New Morning

Perhaps this was to be expected. There was word that Suede had returned to their “Dog Man Star”
form with introspective lyrics from Bret Anderson. Rather it seems to be a release that can be placed
firmly between Coming Up and Head Music. Where Head Music made our best of list, A New Morning
seems to be an unfocused mix. There still remain moments of beauty such as the title track, one of this
years favorites!  

As for 2003, those bright stars on the horizon

Morrissey.......we remain ever hopeful
The Dears
Louis Eliot (Rialto frontman)

Better Late Than Never........late discoveries of note

The Lucksmiths
The Dears

And last but not least, a years worth of thanks…

Label mates & PR managers,
Robb, George and all the other listeners who helped keep us going during those thin moments,
The management and new friends at WPMD,
Friends at Excellent Online who have helped with web, news, and band links,
And most of all, to all the great bands and artists who have inspired us with their creativity!